504 603-3285
Radical Rest | A YoGa NiDRa Practice | Spring 2023
Sun, May 07
|Healing Process
9-weeks of YoGa Nidra healing sessions. Shifting the way we heal; the way we serve; the way we show up.

Time & Location
May 07, 2023, 8:15 AM – 9:30 AM
Healing Process
About the Event
Radical Rest | YoGa NiDRa is a non-doing, highly regenerative meditative practice where you can restore and rejuvenate your body, heal and recover from illness, and re-wire your brain for greater mental and emotional balance and resilience. In these sessions, Dr RaShon uses her gifts, talents, and skill as an energy worker to assist each individual in developing deep intuitive awareness of how to restore wellness in body, mind, heart and soul.
In this nine week process, we will place our intention and attention on developing awareness in one of the nine domains (using our Enneagram framework). You will be given several questions for inquiry and reflection during the week and encouraged to journal. In the YoGa NiDRa practice on Sunday, the union with SOURCE will release the power of consciousness for effortless healing and evolution in that part of your being.
YoGa NiDRa is a subtle, yet powerful tool that is accessible to all. YOU SIMPLY REST. As you engage with the practice, you will find yourself thinking, feeling, and acting with a renewed sense of authenticity and strength.
Radical Rest + Subtle Body Therapeutics is our next level sacred rest process. This process is designed to allow access to additional support and guidance in your transformational journey. The process includes :
- A holding container of essentail oils, flower essences, gemstonstones, herbs (and other ingredients as deemed necessary) created specifically to support your stated intention and maintained by Dr RaShon for the entire Radical Rest cycle
- Two additional YoGa NiDRa transmissions each week (you will be meet in the ethers)
- Tools to address specific challenges that you may encounter in the process will be shared with you through the Sirius Encounters learning platform
- 3 ZOOM group Q & A sessions to help process what you are experiencing as a result of the practice
This process is recommended for those of you have experienced one or more of our Radical Rest cycles and are ready to do a deeper dive into one of the domains of development. Also for those of you who are doing healing work for others and what to ensure balance and wellness for yourself and your clients.
##The process takes place directly after our Come Sunday meditation. Simply stay on the line as we transition. If you need to miss a Sunday session don't worry about, as soon as you signup your process begins and a container is created and held for you and the work is carried out as described above. Your physical presence is not strictly necessary.
You are invited to join us for meditation and then “Come Rest with Us!”
***Time given in Eastern Standard Time—GMT 5:00. Check for local time.
+++Due to the sensitive nature of this process and the events of the current time, this offering is for Black Folks Only to provide a safe, supportive, comfortable space in which to do deep inner work. There will be subsequent retreats open to the general public. Please respect the space.Shifting the way we heal; the way we serve; the way we show up
Rad Rest | Sp23
Radical Rest YoGa NiDRa Practice
$297.00+$7.43 service feeSale endedRad Rest | Sp23 + SBT
Radical Rest YoGa NiDRa + Energy Healing Process
$549.00+$13.73 service feeSale ended